Medical tourism

Mental Health Center of Minsk City

5, Bekhtereva Street, 220026, Minsk
Tel./Fax (8 017) 316 34 92, e-mail:

We provide qualified psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, sexological, psychological consulting to adults (over 18 years old).

We could provide psychiatric support to adults on detection of mental disorders which develop delirium and hallucination. You could be consulted by a specialist for any mental disorders, may provide psychiatric care in hospital.

Psychotherapeutic support is an interpersonal interaction of a special kind where a patient is being treated by psychological means. The task of a therapist is to help overcome "internal complexes", to be more sociable, to be able to create stable emotional or sexual relationship. It is of particular effectiveness when one has come up with unmotivated anxiety, fear, sense of inner tension, when simple joys of life have ceased to please people and when attempts to follow the advice of family and friends "to pull themselves together" turn to be ineffective. One could follow psychotherapy in combination with other kinds of therapy such as medicinal treatment, acupuncture, physiotherapy.

Sexologic assistance is provided to those who suffer on sexual disorders. Our doctors and sexologists are willing to help at the fear of sexual failure, loss of sexual desire, in the absence of male potency, absence of women’s orgasm and vaginismus; they could help to restore the sense of joy and fullness of their sexual lives. Our specialists have long-life experience and use an individual approach in every other case.

Paid services: 351-61-74

(GCE border states, str. Mendeleev, 4, Minsk)

List of paid medical services to foreign citizens

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